Yahoo! x64 Modem!
Wooo! I finally found the right directions on how to manually decorate an INF file for x64 (for Windows XP and Windows Vista) consumption! Now, this does break the signature and it does moan about not being able to verify the publisher and all that, but it works! Which now means that x64 is on my laptop to stay - no more using 32-bit only to use my PPC6700 as a modem. Yay! I have uploaded the file for all of you to download. Enjoy!
Once again, this is for the SPRINT PPC 6700 Windows XP/Vista 64-bit (x64) Wireless Modem Device Drivers for Windows Mobile 5 for Sprint PPC 6700 (Windows x64/64-bit).
PPC6700SP by Sprint.INF (50.4 KB)
(Shameless plugging so the search engines will pick it up for those few keywords (Hope!).