View.aspx now up!
Well, I now have my view.aspx page up, so you can now click on the title of a post and be able to view the entry plus any comments (if there are any present)! It seems to be working so far, I haven't covered for a missing entry yet, so you will get a post with no information (posted on January 1, 1900 I might add). One neat thing about the XML Serialization is that it now returns my entries as a CommentEntry[] or BlogEntry[] etc. This makes casting easier as I know that the types in the array are the type I expect. So I no longer need to do type checking on an ArrayList which can contain anything inside it. On a side note, I took a peek into writing managed code for my stored procedures, but couldn't find any benift since I don't do anything cpu intensive. I did see the power it has, however, if you needed to do a ton of parsing of data before returning it to the client. Keep an eye out for more progress!